Ava Innes

Cashmere is one of the most revered fibres known to humankind, yet only 30% of the fleece clipped from the goat is used in mainstream products. The long-haired fibre which protects the soft undercoat is often cast aside or used for industrial purposes. Ava Innes, created by local lady Joan Johnson, challenges this approach to waste, merging her passion for sustainability and her manufacturing experience with luxury natural fibres to the invention of these cashmere guard hair duvets.


The neighbouring town of Elgin is home of Scotland’s renowned cashmere industry lead by Johnstons of Elgin and where the brand Ava Innes was founded, on the intent of creating more resourceful ways to use and extend the life of our materials, that supports traditional textile manufacturing in the UK. This sustainable approach extends to recyclable packaging and, wherever possible, incentivised end-of-use product return, to help prolong the life of all the materials used to promote a circular economy.

